22 January 2011

a few cute stories about holden:
koda [our little chihuahua] is obsessed with footie socks. OBSESSED. We don't even have to buy chew toys for her because she prefers carrying around footie socks. We're fine with it because she doesn't chew them up or ruin them, just gently carries them around! It's hilarious. We think it's because when she was a little 1.5 pound puppy I cut holes in a footie [for her legs] and used it to keep her warm. Well, holden has taken up his sister's fascination. Look what I found him doing the other day when I was working...
we always say holden is a super baby genius. and yesterday he proved it! we were playing on the floor in his room with mr. fat hamster [don't know his name...I think he's from Bolt], a car, and a rattle. He was over the rattle & car. Mr. fat hamster was out of his reach down by his feet. That wasn't going to stop H from getting it! He used his feet to grab it and bring it to his hands then his hands to his mouth. It was amazing! Already a problem solving, little baby genius. Here is mr. fat hamster. It was the perfect size for him to grab with his feet.
Holden also has learned how to turn off the lights. I show him how to do it a few times then after a few tries...wabam! Aunt Lori, I think he might be ready for some Montessori lessons :)
Here is the H man playing with one of his rattles. I constantly find it interesting that he will hate playing with something one month and the next month it will be his favorite. He hasn't been into rattles up until this point but they are just the best now, apparently. he can't get enough of them. 
 [i'm gonna get this whole thing in my mouth...]
 ["i'm no show pony!" he threw his rattle down as soon as he saw the camera pointed at him.]
[okay fine. my desire to shove this in my mouth has overshadowed my desire to not be your show pony.]

Happy weekend! So glad it's finally here. What are your plans for the weekend?

-Little Wife Power House

1 comment:

  1. Google says Mr. Fat Hamster has a name, but I prefer calling him Mr. Fat Hamster.

    I love being able to see what's going on with the WHOLE family there in Savannah. Keep it real, and don't start carrying socks around in your mouth just because your children do!
