22 April 2011

It's almost here!

We had some Easter pictures taken of Holden and his cousins a few weeks ago. I love that he fits perfectly in his Easter basket. What more could you want than an adorable baby in an Easter basket?! I'm looking forward to lots of family time in Midland this weekend. Holden & I are hitting the road alone *cringe* because the hubby has to stay home and do homework all weekend. *double cringe*

Anyhow, let's not forget what Easter is really about. It's easy [especially for me!] to get caught up in the fun toys and candy but we need to remember it's really about our Savior's sacrifice and resurrection. I'm grateful to him. He loved us so much that he gave his life so we could live with him again.

Go here to hear a beautiful testimony of Jesus Christ and here to watch a little Easter movie.

-Little Wife Power House

1 comment:

  1. That cutie pie! I hope the Easter Bunny brings me a Holden in my basket.
