16 November 2010

The Gratitude Challenge: Day Twenty-One

Day twenty-one:
I'm grateful for my Grandparents.

[Gma and Gpa Tubb at the temple on our wedding day]

[Gpa Tubb, Gma Tubb, me, Allan. 08.08.08]

It's crazy how much has changed since the day these pictures were taken. We now have a 4 month old, we've bought a house, we've celebrated two wedding anniversaries, and the Grandpa you see in this picture is now under constant care. It's one of the most sad things I've ever experienced - seeing someone you love fade away. I can't even imagine what my Mom and Grandma are going through. The only thing that gives me comfort is that he'll be in a happier place and that families are forever. I'm grateful for the wonderful example they are to Allan & I. They've been together for 67 years and have an amazing love story. They were sealed in the temple and have always been active members of the church. I love them so much. I can't wait until I can be the blunt grandma like she is :P and Allan can tell his adventurous stories like he does. 

-Little Wife Power House

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